I'm 24, my husband is 25. We've been together for 7 years and we're trying to conceive our first child after an early miscarriage in August of 2013.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Giant Leap

I'll be honest here, we knew going into this that we may have to move forward to something like IUI, but we never thought it would be this quickly. I know it's been a while, but I've honestly just been processing and I haven't felt like posting anything... or talking to many people, really. So I'll try to explain where we are as briefly as I can.

I had my post coital test earlier this month. My results came back "good, but" (from the nurse)... What my doctor told me a few days ago was that my mucous was scant (an unfortunate side effect of Clomid) and he felt like with an upped Clomid dose, it would only get worse. A week after my PCT, I had my progesterone level drawn and it was a 5... a 5. Five is AWFUL for a medicated cycle. My RE said they like to see 17 in a non-medicated cycle and 22 or above in a medicated cycle... Soooo, yeah. I cried. I cried a lot. Obviously, my Clomid is being upped to 100MG. A week later, I got my "instructions" for my next cycle in the mail and the box next to IUI was checked. More crying happened. Our insurance doesn't cover IUI. I made an appointment with the doctor to try to get out of it, but after he explained why I understood and we are going through with it. He said he feels like my insurance WILL cover the ultrasounds and bloodwork, so that's a huge help... hopefully he's right. If insurance covers that, the IUI itself is $500... or $550, I can't remember. My meds were $100, so that's $600 - $650 each cycle. Hopefully it doesn't take long. If insurance doesn't cover it... well, it's more like $1500... So, let's all just pray they do. We can manage if they don't, but I really don't want to add even more stress to this journey.

J also got his dates that he has to go away for training at work. He will be gone from June 15 - July 2. Which sucks, to put it mildly. (My birthday is June 24. :( ) Not only will I miss him terribly, but it also throws a huge wrench in trying to conceive. Luckily, one good thing about the IUI is he doesn't technically HAVE to be there. For an extra $300 they will freeze his sperm and I can use them for 5 cycles or so. (Again, pray it doesn't take that long. Please. PLEASE.) I was okay with taking a break, but J is pretty much determined at this point. "What's another 300$ on top of all of this?" ...He has a point. Plus, if we have some in the office he won't be having to use his time at work or be having to spring last minute days off for IUI. In his line of work, being a "man down" isn't exactly possible and last minute days off, while he technically has the time to use, aren't a good thing. It'll definitely take stress off of him to just do it that way. Hopefully, this first cycle works and we won't have to worry about freezing.

So this is where we are. I have an appointment for an ultrasound next Wednesday and hopefully I'll have 2 or 3 good sized follies and I'll be able to trigger. (Yes, J has to give me a shot. Yes, I'm upset about it. Yes, I'm deathly terrified of needles.)

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